Friday, 28 February 2020

Painting Tally 2020 - February

Belakor - 1
Sisters of Battle - 21
Iron Warriors - 20
Iron Warrior Characters - 2
Warlord Titan - 1
Imperial Knights - 6
Champion of Khorne - 1

Month total - 52

Year total - 145

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Adeptus Titanicus - Warlord Titan #2

Imperator Caine. Although identified as a rebel titan, this particular machine feels no real affinity with Horus, the Heresy or any associated traitor ideology. Simply put, this machine and princeps fight for glory, pay and self determination. Known to be skilled in the art of tactics and warfare, this god-machine is often found slumming it in low end warfare for any system governors that will pay their price.

Titan #2 done and done. Fairly easy, really, as I've done one before, its not a hugely difficult model to paint and its only one model! God knows how people are spending hours and hours on theirs...............well, I do know really, its through putting lots of shades, layering and highlights on them.

Me? Just bash it out in double quick time (90 mins ish, again). Detail and markings can follow as the victories rack up and need to be tallied.

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

15th Century Knights

Knights. KNIGHTS. Masses of them!

Kept these fairly open, so I can use them throughout all of the 15th C conflicts and into Renaissance with a push.

All Perry, all lovely, as ever. Quite a pleasure.

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Khorne Demon Prince/Bloodthirster?

Spent a couple of days rebasing my old Khorne demon legion, in prep for the 40K game thats coming up, as they were all on square fantasy bases and dressed for snow........and I no longer have a snow table.

Didn't bother taking pics as its pretty dull stuff, but I did take the opportunity to paint the big Khorne demon I bought about 8-9 years ago and has languished in GREY ever since.

Even though its supposed to be a demon prince, I'll probably  just use it as a Bloodthirster as it matches my bloodletters (those satanic looking ones from 2002-3ish) and towers above them, so is pretty obviously The Boss.

Didn't take too long in the end and another one off the pile!

Saturday, 8 February 2020

Adeptus Titanicus - Warlord Titan

Imperator Bastard, originally designated Imperator Indomitable. Records tell this renaming came about through the essential character of the machine spirit contained with, being a dogged and pugnacious fighter, pursuing enemie and straining to demolish any opponent before it, in spite of Princeps tactical choice. This leads to a strain between man and machine on the field.

However, rumour also abounds that the current name came about through exclamations of the repair techseer pits, when seeing the level of damage constantly sustained by this god of war. 

Whichever is true, The Bastard is an aggressive, attacking, foe and one that rewards strong engagements.

Had my eye on that Adeptus Titanicus box for a while. Partly as a throwback to my yoof and partly as I never actually played it, nor owned it. I remember King having Titan Legions and being most envious of that, but then his parents bought him most things. I remember the fellow coming home from a holiday in America with a resin Baneblade in 40K scale. This would be around 1997ish, long before the Forgeworld one, I think.

So, boshed out the first Warlord Titan of the batch "Imperator Bastard", which I think is a loyalist.

Fairly simple, really, if you plan how to paint it whilst building it and work it up with that final painting in mind.

Monday, 3 February 2020

Wars of the Roses - Warwicks Household

Warwick - probably my favourite person in the various WOTR people. If you don't know about this chap, then have a look here:,_16th_Earl_of_Warwick

 Finally got on to painting his household, which I'd wanted to do for ages, but god THAT BANNER is indicative of the fellow.

Couldn't have something easy and simple, could he? Had to show off, didn't he? Still, as a mini project in itself, it was pretty enjoyable and does look the nuts now its in place. Shame the photos came out so dark and didn't flash the read. England in winter, eh?