Monday, 3 February 2020

Wars of the Roses - Warwicks Household

Warwick - probably my favourite person in the various WOTR people. If you don't know about this chap, then have a look here:,_16th_Earl_of_Warwick

 Finally got on to painting his household, which I'd wanted to do for ages, but god THAT BANNER is indicative of the fellow.

Couldn't have something easy and simple, could he? Had to show off, didn't he? Still, as a mini project in itself, it was pretty enjoyable and does look the nuts now its in place. Shame the photos came out so dark and didn't flash the read. England in winter, eh?


  1. Good looking war of the Roses figures, Warwick is an interesting character but I can't say I warm to him!
    Best Iain

    1. He def falls into the "utter bastard" category, but thats kind of what I like about him - total ruthlessness, plus being a show off, plus hugely wealthy, plus a pain in the arse to those who didn't do what he wanted. He's essentially a total villain :)
