Monday, 27 January 2020

40K Kill Team - Hereticus + Arbitrators vs White Scars

Played my first ever game of Kill Team last week, and my first 40K based gaming activity for about 7 1/2 years. Was alright! We chucked out a load of the rules and essentially went with "feel" for the game, over mechanics and line of the rule. You know yr getting old when you can do that and not chuck a mental over the small stuff*

Photos below. Also the first outing of my freshly painted graveyard, which'll seen in plenty of pics in the future.

Ended as a much enjoyable draw


  1. The grave yard looks very spooky, and the marines make a great contrast!

    1. They really do pop out, don't they, whereas the black armour of my arbites made me very glad I painted them with white shoulder armour!

  2. Grave yard looks ace and the marines and judges work really well in the environment!
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers Iain! Seems like one that seems to have come out pretty well, photo wise. Crappy lighting in the venue probably did that

  3. That's a lovely looking game you had there. I do like the look of Kill-Team, I'm way late to the party though.
    I think it's probably a great vehicle for a more manageable Rogue Trader/Inquisitor style game, heavy on narrative and to modify to liking.
    I own it already, but it has only been played once in my home and not by me, two friends had a game and I was stuck on observation/rulebook duty.

    1. This was the first game I've played of it, and don't actually own the rules either, so it was interesting to come in cold. I'd say it 100% works well for a RT/Inq style game and rewards time spent on scenario building and getting a decent narrative built up. Not sure if it has a campaign mode - think it does - but that could also be more tools in the box for making a good story. Pretty simple too, ruleswise, so its pretty adaptable.
