Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Box of Shame #1 - Plaguebearers

Open the box of shame.......whats on top? Ah, Plaguebearers. Easy to build, easy to paint.

Done. These had been kicking around since Nov 2018, which is why they were relatively close to the top.

Think I'll have to knock back the ochre on the bases, looking at it, as its a bit lurid. (....who am I kidding, thats not happening now, is it??)


  1. Nice, well no horrid but you know what I mean! I like the contrast of the ochre and black bases.
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers. The ochre seems to have come out a bit bright on these, whereas its usually darker. I know why its happened though, the brown paint as the base probably dried too much to soak the ochre up and darken it.

  2. I really like the blotchy skin: the ochre with (what looks like) bits of pink in there over black. Quite gross and lovely at the same time.

    1. They did come out rather foul - really ill looking, which is about right :)

      Was having a look at the last plaguebearers I painted about a year ago and these, and its striking how differently I did them. Maybe the next set I do will be in between the two, showing the plague progression as it attacks the body.

      Just lovely!

  3. Praise be Nurgle!!!
    I really like how the way they are painted, makes them look dark and sinister and like they are artificially lit from above.
    And I've still got a fair few (read metric ton) of my Nurgle forces staring at me from the painting queue... Soon my pretties :D

    1. "artificially lit from above" - ha, thats how I do it! :) My table is right under a direct light, so when I force the shading on things, I literally hold the model up a bit, see where the light is falling and bosh them with a dull mix of paint to shade heavily in those areas.

      Also - super fast to paint. An hour, max?
