Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Battle of Naseby - Battle Report

Naseby - a fairly straightforward ruck, really, as its a classic line up and have at each other.

Royalists put all of their cavalry on their left flank, with the infantry lined up across the rest of the table. Parliament went for cavalry on both flanks, infantry slightly more weighted to their left

Deployment and battle lines

The cavalry on both sides begins jostling for position, before Cromwell initiates a charge, the Cavaliers countercharge THEN find themselves charged in the flank by a second regiment of horse. A gigantic ruck ensues, which would see the cavalry battering each other all game on that side of the

Meanwhile, the rest of the armies on both sides advance and begin trading shots. One unit crosses the hedge to engage Okeys Dragoons and makes short work of them

 More Ironsides push through the ranks to get at the enemy

Royalists brace themselves for the charge

On the other side of the table, the rest of the cavalry scrap it out, whilst Rupert calls them forward

Royalist centre advances

Parliament cavalry threatens shotte, but can't get near enough due to the pikes

Cromwell finally sees off Rupert, who gallops off table in pursuit of baggage and such

Lone unit of Cavalier horse, left getting shot to crap

Lines begin to close, whilst things heat up

Both sides advance in the mist

Once cleared, lines are quickly restored but an almighty fight breaks out between the infantry on the Parliament left

Ironsides take an absolute battering and break

Charles and his guard oversee the centre. Its not looking good though.

Rupert returns and gets an absolute fucking kicking for his trouble. Even Cromwell himself got stuck into this one

Superb Royalist rolling.

Charles finds his centre getting flanked and those puritan chaps getting rather close.

Whilst on the Royalist right, Parliament begins to break through.

The killer blow - the Eastern Association smashes across the rear of the Royalist force, who find themselves in dire straits and are forced to retreat. 

Then there is a breakthrough on the other flank from Parliament and its all over.

Big win to Parliament. Ironsides are NAILS, absolutely took every charge they received, fought back, kept it together and rallied for the end phase. Ruperts aggression played against him there.


  1. Great looking game, sounds super! Sorry I've missed your recent posts, managed to smash my phone up,just getting used to the new one!
    Best Iain

    1. Its only when you don't have a phone, that you notice just how much you need it :)
