Sunday, 8 December 2019

ECW - Baggage, Limbers, Camp

Getting through the last parts of the ECW pile now. Various bits and pieces, hurriedly bashed out to get them done and dusted.

Big baggage wagon? 25 mins from beginning to end - fast!

Gun limbers. Bit of a pain to build, but add a lot of character and niceness to the look of the table

This fellow having his leg sawn off - been waiting in the painting queue for about 5 years now

As has this chap, leading the mules and such

Lastly, a galloper gun. Put it onto two bases, mainly for ease of painting over anything else.

And with that............ECW 100% painted. No more models kicking about in a pile, in stray boxes or elsewhere. Unless I buy something else, of course.


  1. Nice work.....and will make a battle field 👍

    1. Thank you sir! Table ephemera is often the most enjoyable part of the painting, I find.
