Friday 7 June 2024

HYW - Agincourt - Battle Report


Its one of those battles, isn't it, that all gamers have on a mental ticklist somewhere of ones to do? But, as a strong advantage, with the benefit of being reasonably doable!

So, after the scenario was done, we were ready to go..........

Table layout and deployments. 

The English went for the classic "fighters in the middle, archers on the flanks"

French went for some v organised lines of troops, and an odd column of cavalry units down each flank

Soon to be disorganised lines of infantry

French make the first move and almost instantly start getting bogged down in mud

Doesn't look that far!

English commanders sit back and watch the (shit)show

French lines begin making their way across

English archers just within range to begin opening up on the French cavalry

Who promptly rolled a brigade blunder, turned tail and all fled straight back to where they'd started!

Some plucky French light shooting units attempt to set up shop

Before getting promptly demolished by longbows

The other cavalry brigade begin to weave through the mud and other units, making v little progress.

At this point, the rearmost French commander gets impatient and forces his way through the other brigades to take the front, causing mass disorder and unrest in his wake.

English sitting back having a jolly and firing rather nicely.

Until, disconcertingly, a couple of units of French make it out of the mud, in quite a foul mood, and spoiling for a fight

Damned English men at arms were clearly not ready (not as if they had ample warning!), as they couldn't fight for crap on the day

Rest of the French still wallowing though!

Archers on the English left go in to support the fight in the front.

Can the French lines re-order in time to take advantage?

Henry getting stuck in royally.

With the support from behind for the English, the distinct lack of advance from the French rear, its looking threadbare on the main attack

And with that, the English managed to break a few units, opening their lines up to take some choice of charging, and it was clear the French were going nowhere as the clock sounded.

A solid English win. That'll cost you!

Really good game. Being on the English side made for much amusement, as we could feel pressure as the lines advanced, but once the mud started bogging down the French and the various generals started elbowing past one another for position, it was a source of much mirth all round. Loads of chaos and all good fun!


  1. Wonderful photos - very impressive.

  2. Superb looking table so many great figures on show and a really interesting read.
