Friday, 10 September 2021

Adeptus Titanicus - Battle Report

 Adeptus Titanicus finally got an outing!

A proper one, as I ran a couple of games remotely over the Christmas lockdown period, as we found that it was kinda perfect for screen sharing, being few models not a mass of terrain and the other player could manage their own data cards and such at their end.

Went for the opening scenario in the rulebook, where the Loyalists have dug into the city and the Rebels are marching in for the attack.

Was really good, those titans can take a hell of a beating!

Initial deployments and table layout

Battle Group Cainus (my group!) prepare to advance

City under siege

Loyalists advance out of the city in an aggressive defence

Loyalist Warlord holds down one side of the field.

Endless firefighting occurs, as the Rebels try an outflank with their warhounds.

Loyalists prepare for an incoming assault from between the hills

Battle Group Cainus advances into the smoke

Loyalist Warhounds counter attack, supported by allied battle group

Reaver meets Reaver

Open fighting on all sides of the table

Loyalist centre holds the line

Eventually, the Loyalist Reaver in the centre explodes from accumulated damage and takes out the surrounding friendly Warhounds in a chain reaction explosion

Rebel win!

Brutal game, which was a long firefight really, so it came down to who was going to be losing the first titan and swinging the balance in their favour, as it really could have gone either way.


  1. Hurrah! Getting your toys on the table with friends… what’s not to like about that…

    A brutal shooting match for sure… but it is after all the grimdark.

    All the best. Aly

    1. I know, it seems like such a small thing to be able to play in person, but theres nothing like it once out and about again! Plus, all that lockdown painting means new projects hitting the table :)
