Monday, 9 July 2018

English Civil War Army

Seems like I haven't put any pictures up of my ECW armies as they currently stand.

Essentially, at the beginning of the year I had a couple of units painted but nothing too much else, with everything sitting in the grey shame in their boxes. Once life had settled down slightly, following a job change and finishing archive school, I scheduled in a big game (this one!) and got steadily painting and working away - ain't nothing like a deadline to get ones arse in gear

So, couple of pics. Couldn't even fit them on the usual board for photographing my stuff :)

Taken before I'd added flags and some other small bits, by the look of it. Will come back to this project at some point, but for now - its at peace.


  1. Really impressive civil war army/armies, I've still got to finish off my cavalry (plastic warlord and metal Essex) but these look great!
    Best Iain

    1. Hello Iain. Funnily enough, I didn't find the cavalry too much of a chore with this era - mainly because I was cranking out a regiment in a couple of days at that point. I think I got it down to about three hours painting to complete all twelve in a block. God knows how!

      Might get in another big ECW game towards the end of the year, so this lot'll be seeing the table in anger again.
