Monday 9 September 2024

Hundred Days: Quatre Bras Battle Report

 Quatre Bras - bit of a big one, been on the list for years, etc etc. Heres the scenario:

Part of the intent with this one was to get a big enough game to make it feel right, but not so big that its a huge amount of work and exhausting, which Talavera was, even though it was v enjoyable. 

So, lets see how it went..........

Table layout

Initial Dutch and French deployments

Big massing of troops in the village!

Initial French advance towards the town.

Main line proceeds up the field in good order

Before getting carried away obsessing over holding the buildings in the area.

Dutch sitting enjoying an advocaat and watching the French spend their time attacking said buildings.

Ruud not to, really. Meanwhile, forces still holding the town.

On the other flank, the line turns to prepare for French cavalry WHO HAVE ACTUALLY DONE SOMETHING FOR ONCE.

Centre of the field

Yes, well, that cannon wasn't going to miss that, was it.

French light cavalry brigade arrives and begins galloping up the centre of the table.

The French begin putting serious numbers into the town, ready for the assault. Some are still messing about with getting into the buildings.

Cavalry start playing games with the Dutch line infantry and galloping back and forward, looking for a weak point in the battle line.

Forlorn hope starts proceeding into the village.

Dutch line opens up as the columns go in.

The British arrive, in good time.

Proper bayonet action!

That cannon is going to cause more than a few problems.........

Nice shot of the centre.

British lights start charging through the streets.

Should be enough French there to hold though, but will the attack on the town stall?

Meanwhile, French cavalry on the other side spot their chance and begin hitting the central lines. There was a lot of Follow Me orders being given!

British line rounds into the town for support.

Solid British line has formed on the other side of the village, breaking the morale of the French grenadiers facing them. This cause a ripple of panic in the French centre to much bemusement from the CIC. 

Not Over Yet, Msr!

Cavalry countercharge - pisses off the French heavies, another example of French cav MANAGING TO DO SOMETHING.

Now that the cavalry has caused problems further down the line and messed up the British flank, the French centre makes a push to advance and envelop the village.

Ladies from hell.

French storming the village now.

Although the British have cleared their right flank and hold it securely.

Reserve coming in.

Thanks for turning up, boys. This is a more traditional sight for French Cav. Sitting at the back of the table failing to earn their keep.

Last few columns go in for the assault

.................and we called it a French narrow win. 

Highly enjoyable, and yes, a lot more manageable a size of game. Estimate 10-11 line units per side, 4-5 cavalry?


  1. Cracking looking game, loads of great miniatures on show there and plenty of pictures to pore over.

    1. Many thanks! Kept the model count a bit lower this time, to make things somewhat less tiring.

  2. Wonderful looking game - I love the shots of the fighting in the village.

    1. Thanks. Lots going on in that town - I was French cavalry command, so away up the other end of the field for most of the fight

  3. A splendid game indeed…
    One of my favourite ‘100 Days’ actions.

    All the best. Aly
