Wednesday, 3 May 2023

WOTR 1455-1461 - Mortimers Cross Battle Report

 Mortimers Cross, a fight of two sides!

Initial Deployments and Table Layout

Both sides begin to move towards one another, with the cavalry putting the spurs on

The fight on either side of the river seems to be more of a classic archery battle, with both sides trading equally.

Meanwhile, the cavalry is kicking the absolute shit out of one another, with feints, counter charges, evades and infantry getting in the way. Both sides still fairly equal at this point, although York a lot more in the face of Lancaster.

Yorkist reinforcements arrive on one flank, although the way things have progressed on that side of the field, there may not be much left on either side.

Table of two halves - the fight around the river much more controlled and disciplined.

Lancastrian households start getting combine charged, now York knights are dominating their side of the table........albeit pretty smashed up and weakened.

Good indicative view of how the two halves of the table were unfolding. Complete carnage at one end, organised lines of men on the other, with York pressing advantage on the other side of the river. This is likely reflective of the commanders at each end!

Engagement actually starts happening across the river, as Lancaster feels slightly outnumbered.

Plucky Men at Arms suddenly charge out to force some action and fight their way through an unholy amount of people.

York looks to have this side sewn up, but not as easily as they'd have hoped.

And with that, it was all over. Yorkist win.

Really two battles in one, with the key points being whoever was going to win that almighty cavalry ruck, who was able to bring support up to claim any advantage from the cavalry fight, and the mad men at arms who punched straight through the Lancaster line after a couple of hours positioning and trading shots at one another, which allowed York to push the advantage on that side.