Monday, 31 October 2022

WOTR 1455-1461 - Blore Heath Battle Report

 So, Blore Heath - scenario here - and we're trying to hold that hill..........

Initial table set up and Yorkist deployment

Lancastrian deployment and a FEARSOME amount of cavalry being lined up.

Yorkists push forward to make the most of the river, and luckily find that the Lancastrian commanders are coming in piecemeal and uncoordinated.

Disorganisation continues on the Lancastrian side of the table, while York finds their range and starts putting arrows over the river.

Bloody peasants in the way! MOVE ASIDE!!

FINALLY, a cavalry unit makes its way through the waters and readies for a charge. Its isolated though, and potentially unable to win the day.............but York has to redeploy to meet the threat.

More disorganisation in the centre!

Arrow exchanges continue on the York right. Thats an intimidating line......

Cavalry charges start going in, but both sides fight well and no breaking of the York line yet............although pressure is building.

Canny Yorkists put their men at arms in place to meet the cavalry.

The main Lancaster lines start to appear in the ranged fight, whilst more cavalry pushes through for an attack.

View from the hill and York right.

Lancastrians now heading over the river, but York still holding reasonably well - its close!

The bridge is taken! Time for the counter attack from those men at arms lurking at the bottom of the hill......

All kicking off down front.

York wins that fight, but finds the Lancaster cavalry plow straight into them. End game is here!


Commanders getting massacred on both sides, but York getting the worst of it.

Another unit of Lancaster cavalry weighs in, and its all over for York, who break.

Brutal game. York was under pressure to start, but held well. Lancastrian commanders stank up the place early on with their inability to get anyone moving, but once it started coming into play, it really took York apart.


  1. Great AAR and photos. I really like the final battle at the bridge; a suitably climactic finale.

    1. It did rather pan out that way. Once the cavalry started storming across it, we just couldn't hold them!

  2. A splendid looking game…
    I think I have lost/ come second in this battle a couple of times…

    All the best. Aly.
