Thursday, 18 June 2020

Adeptus Titanicus - Warhound Titans

Warhounds. Blessed Warhounds. My all time favourite thing in the 40k setting and finally a decent plastic set. First couple finished in a rather nice hours work. Plan is for at least another two and I'll run that fast attack formation with the Reaver as the heavy in the group.


Quite happy with the way these came out. Thought my Warlords came out well, but these blew them away.

Get the detailing money shots below!

Saturday, 6 June 2020

Iron Warriors Veterans

Some Vets to add to the Iron Warriors. Had to do these by hand, as I'd usually spray paint the silver one, but army painters notoriously crappy cans gave out on me (seriously, I'm gonna give up on those and find something else. Its the nozzle clogging and propellant failing that does it, when the can is 50% full) and I had to get in with the brush.

Came out............fine. Might redo those teatowels hanging off their waists in a darker colour at some point, but painted is painted!

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Painting Tally - May 2020

1879 AZW Lancers - 8
1879 AZW Cannon - 1
1879 AZW British Infantry - 66
Warhound Titans - 2
French Hussars - 12

Month Total -  89

Year Total - 457

Monday, 1 June 2020

Thousand Sons

Always liked the Thousand Sons and been tempted by an army of them. Always been a back of the mind project, but I decided to get that starter box, after working out that you could flog Ahriman on ebay for a hefty sum and get the box at discount, so get them relatively cheaply........

Bit of a quick and dirty paint job, as we were supposed to be having a big 40K game. The pox on this land saw that one off though.

Will I get some more? Possibly, but 40K isn't a major game for me any more TBH. I'd rather play Epic, frankly!