Tuesday, 12 May 2020

ACW - Confederate Skirmishers

For a break, heres some ACW skirmish units. As ever, Confederates are simplicity themselves to produce en masse, so painted these as a bit of a break.

These here below plus the ones I already had makes it 30 skirmishers now, so its possible to play some Rebels and Patriots or similar, I reckon. Not far off finishing my ACW altogether now as well! 


  1. Nice work....but 30 or so ACW isn’t finished ?

    1. Sorry, probably not the clearest writing. Doing these 30 or so, takes me closer to finishing the ACW. I've got about 350-400 other ACW models upstairs, already painted and done, so that leaves about 50-60 left to do, now these 30 are done and off the pile.

  2. Good looking Confederates!
    Best Iain
