Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Iron Warriors

The Iron Warriors. "Ungrateful bastards, that Imperium, ungrateful bastards!" *digging a trench* Thats the IW background in a sentence, isn't it? Always been one of my favourite chaos legions, from reading the yellow book back in the day and the descriptions of them in there.

SO, 25 years later, 26 years after my first proper 40K army (my Wolves, a whole post in themselves, that army, and why I'm out of love with them/an example of how literalism ruins things) and my first proper 40K activity (those Death Guard last year were more a painting exercise that had been kicking around since the mid 90s and taken a long time to get out) in 7-8 years and we've got some new Iron Warriors on the scene :)

These are all in the MKIV armour, a nostalgia throwback in itself, and painted pretty quickly. The characters are FW resin ones, as I was feeling flush with the CASH. Rough plan is to expand this warband slightly, but probably not a full army, but lets see how that goes. At least they've all been painted.


  1. They look suitably grim...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Cheers Aly. Keep 'em nice and dirty looking. Always suspicious of grim dark armies that look like they've walked straight out of the cleaners.

  2. Always liked these grumpy types and yours look nice and grimy!
    Best Iain
