Monday, 13 May 2019

Ordo Sabbathi - Background

With the release of Warlords of Erewhon, some of us are building up new forces or pulling out old favourites to get involved and have a go.

I've had some crusades boxes kicking around for a number of years, so this seems a good time to use that stuff. Had been weighing up whether to use these as yet another line regiments army, but the appeal of larger level skirmish pushed me more into that direction.......

Ordo Sabbathi

The brethren of the Ordo Sabbathi form one of the more hardline offshoots of the various holy warriors dotted around the Empire, being anti witch and anti heresy puritans, but respected for the ferocity they display in battle.

Not a large order, by any means, but one that is highly effective in battle, honest and known to be trustworthy. The Brethren themselves may be few, but the sergeants, men at arms and retainers provide numbers when required as well as maintaining the properties and administrative duties required by the Order.

The local provinces, although glad to have the protection that comes from being relatively close to this order, keep a deliberate distance after a number of villages in the past, who had given shelter to travelling Brethren were found to be harboring witches and put to the torch, the inhabitants interrogated, killed or taken to Vinum Keep for sentence to be passed

Accordingly, the Red Road, leading from the Ordo headquarters out into the main crusade roads, contains few villages or inns situated along its length. Crusading parties are often to be found travelling backward and forward, so the populace will use this route as it offers general safety over the lesser used roads within the region, as the Brethren will mingle freely amongst the caravans and provide protection from marauders, if required.

In truth, people are not unhappy if the Order is passes through, they just don't want them hanging about too long........

Vinum Keep

The home of the order is reflective of the order itself, with its sparsely decorated, unyielding walls providing a stable, defensive, bastion in the area. Ostensibly open to passing travellers, few people choose to spend time or to do business here, but it is not unheard of for travellers to arrive in order to consult the vast libraries held within the Eastern Tower.

The Keep is famed for one reason other than its warriors - its wine, which over time has lent its name to the keep itself, a fine claret produced from the vineyards that flourish in the area and bottles of which are highly coveted by epicureans, accordingly commanding a fierce price on the market.

Initiate Rites

For a novice to be fully accepted and sworn in as a full Ordo Sabbathian, they must under take a personal crusade, leaving the Keep alone, and sworn not to return until they have sought out and destroyed The Witch. These young warriors, often the most zealous of the order, will be found in regions far from the homelands, wherever their wanders have led them.

Some return with an entourage, who are taken into the various ranks of the militia, some return with potential apprentices and novices. Others return alone. Many do not return at all.

Older members may undertake the personal crusade at a later stage in life as well, if visions, prayers and the omen indicate it is time. Some will leave with a specific purpose, others to wander seemingly at random until they feel their task is fulfilled.

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