Tuesday, 29 January 2019

January 19 Painting Tally


40 Hadenoda - 2 x units of 20
40 Skeletons - 2 x units of 20
20 Barrow Wights - 1 x unit of 20
3 bramble patches.

Month total: 103

Year total: 103

Friday, 25 January 2019

Undead March ov Doom

"I made a pact of blood with you.............the baptism of the walking dead!"

First wave of redone undead complete. Quite happy with how grubby and rotten they look. I wanted the grave dirt to still be clinging to them, rather than the clean polished bone effect. Not done the standards yet, but they'll come in time.

Barrow Wights


More skeletons.

And some shots of them all lined up

Theres a mix of models in there, spreading across about 28 years of owning them. They've been stripped, rebuilt, broken and reformed many many times. This'll be the third paint job they've had on some of them. Hopefully the final one!

Hadendoa Part 2

Finished another 40 Hadendoa, which now takes their brigade up to 100 strong and more or less complete.

Obviously, still got a standard to add, but I've a few standards to make so I'm saving it up for a batch session

I love the Hadendoa.........they get my vote as the hardest bastards of history, frankly.

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

They Came From the Woods! Mordheim Scenario

Settlers of Soare have to maintain a guard. A watchful peace, but from time to time, something does happen.......

The construction of villages and attempt at a settled society is always a fragile affair, but the years pass and things seem to quieten, but that does not mean safety.

Within the woods, the graves and the fen, eyes watch, hunger takes and the offence of watching a community grows until, eventually..........the beast appears to pillage and reclaim the land of the dead

Table Size: 8x4

Rules: Mordheim


Attacker choices: Beastmen/Undead/Possessed/Evil Humans
Defender choice: Humans/Witch Hunters/Sisters/Bretonnians

Weirdness, oddities and unusual concepts are encouraged - let me know if wanting to do something different and we'll work it into the game.


The Village is in the middle of a clearing, surrounded on three sides by woods, with a clear gap from the village to the woods. Graves, Death Houses and the Crypts of Soare are situated to one side of the village.

The defenders deploy first, within the village and surrounding walls.

Attackers are not deployed onto the table, but use their first move to emerge from the surrounding woods wherever they feel is suitable for them, on any of the three sides of the table.

Attacker Considerations: The village is an offence, the inhabitants little more than food or fuel. You must destroy the buildings by putting them to the torch, destroy all you see and make good work of it.

Defender Consideration: This is your life, your families, your homes, your community. You have to defend or lose everything.

Attacker takes first turn

Warband Rules and Upgrades

Each warband has 500 gold points to spend, in the usual way.

To make some unique character for warbands, each player has 10 "points" to spend on the following:

A point for a piece of special equipment from the rare items list
A point for a characteristic upgrade, up to the maximum allowed for races in the rulebook.

These can be spent as the player wishes throughout the warband, spread throughout or stacked as you like, but keeping solidly to Rule #1 please.

Additional rules

Burning buildings - any attacker may spend a full turn in contact with a building and do nothing else but setting it on fire. Conversely - a defender, if situated near a well, may spend a turn in contact with a building and do nothing but fight the fire and put it out.

Defenders to not have to take rout tests. They'll die on this hill.

Skeletons: Additional troop type for undead warbands. Stats below, may be equipped as per the undead equipment list. Same points cost as a Zombie.

M: 4
WS: 2
BS: 2
S: 3
T: 3
W: 1
I: 2
LD: 5

Cause Fear, May Not Run.

Monday, 14 January 2019


Made some nice clumpy bramble terrain, as this months Azazelx painting challenge - https://azazelx.com/2018/12/24/january-2019-paint-challenge-terrain-centrepiece-models/ - is one based around making terrain, so I thought I'd follow through on an idea I've had for a while.

Brambles - nice easy, multi purpose terrain, fits almost anything and is a nice bit of table dressing. Noones gonna argue about them being an utter pain to try and move through!

Theres also the whole matter of brambles being protection from vampires, an utter annoyance to Lucifer, warding off evil spirits and being full of healing power.

Here they are, tastefully modelled by the Duke of Wellington..........


Had a couple of spare bits of MDF I've had laying around for.............7 years. Formed those into a suitable shape, coated with sand and PVA glue. Once that had dried, I painted them first in a lighter sand colour, then washed a dark brown over the top. 

Once that had dried, I drybrushed back up with the sandy colour for some definition. Then washed again with a brown all over, then washed particular areas with a greeny colour to add some variety.

Next stage - I've a load of spare rubberised horse hair I bought a year or two ago and done nothing with really. Vile stuff, to be honest, but it looks good. Sprayed these dark brown and then got busy with the glue gun and glued big patches of that onto the bases.

After that - greenery. Now, most of my trees (the good looking ones, anyway) are made with flock and rubberised horse hair, which is what made me purchase some for myself, even though this is the first project I've used it for.

As my trees are all stored in plastic boxes and over the years of use, lots of the flock had come loose and gathered into a large dusty, sweeping, pile at the bottom. Emptied that out, dabbed the vines with PVA and scattered the flock liberally on top.

Finally, added some tufts and random growths that I've got kicking around and "Ole, we're in Rio" -  one set of brambles for next to nothing.

Sunday, 13 January 2019

Undead Vault ov Doom

After a bit of chatter over at the ever fantastic Aaronorium blog - found here https://talesfromtheaaronorium.com/2019/01/11/nighthaunt-heroes/ - about shameful storage solutions for our precious mini warriors that we love so much, I thought I'd put the mass grave up that my undead army resides in.........

Look at that beauty. LOOK CLOSE.

Theres at least 28 years worth of undead in there, my most loved........if not looked after........army. All manner of stuff and the only army I've managed to hold on to throughout the years

Two points:

1. This pic was taken after I'd gotten the box out of the deep stasis field the other day and taken out 78 skeletons, 20 wights, 24 ghouls and a plague cart. So its quite light!

2. This is actually the luxury accommodation, as they spent the years 1996-2008 being hauled around in an even shabbier cardboard box with even less protective bubble wrap that holds no bubbles.

Phase them? Nope, these boys were kicking some solid arse on the table, laying waste to all and sundry. Feared, this lot was, truly feared.........not just the laughable paint jobs, which span roughly 1992 - 2010 an’ all.

So, what was I doing getting the ol’ ball and chain out? Well, I've developed an interest in perhaps tidying them up and putting some renewed necromantic love into them, repairing and repainting where needed. Breathe new life, so to speak.

Theres all sorts of stuff in there in varying states. It seems I'd got busy with the dettol at some point (ten years ago, my guess) and for some reason stripped all of the decent paint jobs my teenage self had done, whilst leaving all of the ropey old shite intact. Why? who

Nagash is in there somewhere - ask him!

Of course, none of this was on my "2019 list" but thats what always happens, frankly.........

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Cemetery of Soare - Setting

The cemetery of Soare........the city of the dead.........the houses on the borderland.

During the events of '99 and the proximity of the Curs'd City and the dangerous environs surrounding that place, the people found it had become too much to stay there. Whether roaming bands of fanatics, howlers and beasts, or the soil itself becoming corrupted and the water contaminated, they had to move.

In their desperation they chose Soare. Its walls would provide a degree of safety, its environs unpleasant at first, but they would get used to living with the dead. They would have to.

Unpleasant, but practicable............

Soare its'lf is two days journey from end to end on foot, as the crow flies, covering a range of terrain, from the more densely constructed tomb regions, to the open meadows waiting to be built upon but not touched, to the forest encroaching on the Eastern Quarter, to the thickets and mist.

Two days.........by the crow, but the road twists, breaks and splinters. Losing someone is easy and they may never be found, as there are more inhabitants of Soare than just the restless dead..........who knows what beasts have made home in the unmapped sections? The path is long.

The people had no choice. They had to go somewhere...............

20 years on, villages have risen, not entirely isolated, but solitary. Much of the open land has been cultivated.........but the depths still contain dangers.

Let alone should other travellers decide to enter the walls of the grand city.

In past times, the records of Soare construction were lost when the City fell, the reasons why were lost but remain visible to those who care to look upon the ley of the land, the ancient waters found within and the green chapels of the woods.

A determined crusade could clear the walls and create a haven, but who will lead, gather and coordinate the people? They have enough strains for daily life in this strange environ.

There are many entrances to this borderland.