Monday, 4 June 2018

Dracula AD 1972 (1972)


AD 72, a touchstone of greatness really and a litmus test of "those who do" against "those who don't" - those who don't being tight arsed potato based dullard puce muthafuckers, of course.

Breaking continuity with whatever shreds of continuity were remaining after the utterly regrettable Scars, we find ourselves in possibly the greatest time and setting for Drac possible - regal era Kings Road, where Helmut Bergers Dorian is peacocking and Jacki, Julian and Agememnon are hosting in Cheyne Walk.


Doesn't matter that the film is utterly unhorrific in any way at all, doesn't matter that Cush needs a pen and paper to work out that "Alucard" is "Dracula" spelt backwards, all that matters is that film is stone cold classic Friday night fare of the very highest order and thats all there is to it. This is the kind of film that I spent my teen years leaving pubs and parties to walk home to see, living miles from civilsation in a country village at that point, arriving back in the early hours and causing much bafflement to the people around me?

Now, older, heavier, settled and much more comfortable we can watch these films at any time we wish, but the fact is its the context and memory that classic films like this bring to Those of Us Who Do that get conjured up like Drac from ashes n blood spilled across Munros bosom and accompany the films meaning NO REGRETS about what could have been.

DIG THE MUSIC KIDS - a statement for how to live.

To say this film does it for me would be an understatement. Much like many of my favourite films, its part of being and outlook. Odd how I always notice something new in it each time I watch - this time around being

1 - Dracula mooching about on his own in the moonlight, not going out, not doing much. Just vibin' in the moonlight.

2 - Cush and Murray don't suss that Johnny has been vamped yet. We know, but theres a small line where they are discussing the victims and assuming Drac is responsible for all of them. Thats some tight plotting in a film where there ain't a whole lot of plot in the first place

3 - The swooping pano shot of the Thames early dawn...............much like the opening shots of Satanic Rites.

Method of Dispatch

A good one - Cush finds the lair, gets buy in for 24 hours of no Police presence, so heads out there and tools up for the coming battle. All kicks off royally with weapons, a "he's dead! No, he's back!" moment, Drac giving it the big I am with a "I've commanded nations" brag* when it leads out to Cush on the floor outside. A Drac is pausing for the kill, the ol' holy water in the face does it, then he falls into a pit of stakes that Cush had dug and camoed up earlier. This doesn't quite finish the job, So Pete batters him with a spade until the stakes well and truly do the job. Cue dissolving scene.

Thats how you do it.......................except we get a legit sequel, which is its own bag of undead joy.

*"I who commanded nations" - a still live Dracula at the head of armies (obviously Vald Tepes here) going out against foes and doing whatever. A potential army project and games campaign, if ever there was one.

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