Monday, 21 May 2018

Wars of the Roses - First Household

A quick weeks work to build and paint the appropriate household for my Wars of the Roses project, so that the King has his personal troops.

I'm a "table ready" painter, having done my years of applying multiple coats of layer variants and miniscule highlights that "yes, I know you can't see them, but they are there and I know that they are there and thats whats important DAMN YOUR HIDE!" long ago.

Now, I just work it up to a quality I'm happy with, give it a good washing of shade to make the 3dness of the painting pop a bit, then base it and stick it on the table. Thats it, its done, its quick - thats my current approach. Means I can fire out a lot of models fairly quickly too, which is always a plus.

Of course, then I spend my time whingeing about how the photos don't do the models justice and are flattened out.

I suppose the overall concept is that you can always go back and work up the models to a higher standard if wanting to, but getting the table ready level is the first step in that. Not that I'm probably ever gonna go back and redo stuff when theres always something else needs doing.

Also - I don't play with unpainted models any more. Nope, a game is a rare thing now, so it needs to be worthy of the time and output involved in the games creation.

After all that - painted household

This is the curent standing for the WOTR project. Not far off finishing the first divison!

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