Wednesday 16 October 2024

Troll Country - Battle of the Barrows


Date: Weds 23rd October
Table Size: 8x6
Rules: Hail Caesar

Context: Following the (marginally) successful landing of his army, Orc warlord Borgrim has sent the main part of his force on march to the West, crossing the Tobol river, and trying to get through to take, then hold, Ziochenk, further west.

However, and unexpectedly on his front, Imperial forces from the south have been quicker to march than anticipated, alongside a rapid gathering of Norse allies joining them. 

To further compound this, word from outriders reaches the Orc column of a Dwarf army sallying out of the mountain ranges to the North, which looks to make contact with the other allied forces, blocking the way west.

Accordingly, and in true Orc fashion, Borgrim decides to meet the enemy head on and fight his way through. 

The two forces eventually meet at the southern edge of a barrowdowns, where the ground is reasonably open, allowing lines to be formed, but broken up by large rocks and scattered patches of pine. 

A dense morning fog has rolled in to cover the barrows to the North as the sides deploy, but leaving the main field visible.

Objectives - Orcs: Get in and destroy the army opposite. Have some fun whilst doing it, then get on with the march.

Orc Brigade 1 - Borgims Lads: 3 x Orc Line, 1 x Orc Archers, 1 x Bolt Thrower
Orc Brigade 2 - Shaggas Foot: 2 x Orc Line, 1 x Orc Archers, 1 x Trolls, 1 x Stone Thrower
Black Orc Brigade - White Hand Boys: 3 x Black Orc Line, 2 x Black Orc Crossbows, 1 x Ballista
Cavalry: 4 x Warg Riders

Objectives - Northern Alliance: Hold ground, destroy the invading force and prevent them linking up with any other forces they may have in the region

Ostland Imperial Brigade: 3 x Pikemen, 2 x Handgunners, 1 x small Greatswords, 1 x medium Cannon
Norscan Brigade: 2 x Hirdmen Units, 1 x Small Huscarls, 1 x tiny Berkserkers
Norse Dwarves - Clan of Duregar:  2 x Dwarf Clansmen, 1 x Ironbreakers, 2 x Crossbowmen, 1 x Bolt Thrower, 1 x Cannon
Imperial Cavalry: 2 x Ostland Household Cavalry

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Peninsular 1810 - Battle of River Coa


Date: Weds 18th September

Table Size: 8x6

Context: Following the fall of Ciudad Rodrigo, the Light Division has been warned by Wellington that they should withdraw across the river Coa, so as to not get caught out by French forces. 

However, divisional commander Bob Craufurd has chosen to entirely disregard these orders and remain on the Eastern side of the river. Consequently, spotting an opportunity, Marshal Ney commits a sizeable force for an attack, whilst the overnight storm has turned the river a "boiling torrent" with the rocks and roads in a poor state.

Caught napping and vastly outnumbered, Craufurd has, for some reason, chosen to defend the bridge, before inevitably giving the reluctant order to retreat........

Battlefield Map:

Objectives - British: You must retreat from the field and cross the bridge to the Southern edge of the table.

Order of Battle - British:

CIC - Bob Craufurd 
Brigade 1 - 2 x British Light Infantry Battalion, 1 x Small 95th Rifles (2 stands), 1 x Portuguese Cacadores Battalion
Brigade 2 - 2 x British Light Infantry Battalion, 1 x Small 95th Rifles (2 stands), 1 x Portuguese Cacadores Battalion
Brigade 3 - 2 x Light Dragoons, 1 x KGL Hussars, 1 x Horse Artillery Cannon

Objectives - French: Take the fight to the British, cut off their retreat and take the Light Division.

Order of Battle - French:

CIC - Marshal Ney
Brigade 1 - 4 x French Line Infantry Battaions, 2 Cannon
Brigade 2 - 4 x French Line Infantry Battalions, 2 Cannon
Brigade 3 - 4 x Grenadier Battalions

Arrive Turn 4

Brigade 4 - 1 x Hussar Cavalry Regiment, 1 x Chasseur a Cheval Regiment

Monday 9 September 2024

Hundred Days: Quatre Bras Battle Report

 Quatre Bras - bit of a big one, been on the list for years, etc etc. Heres the scenario:

Part of the intent with this one was to get a big enough game to make it feel right, but not so big that its a huge amount of work and exhausting, which Talavera was, even though it was v enjoyable. 

So, lets see how it went..........

Table layout

Initial Dutch and French deployments

Big massing of troops in the village!

Initial French advance towards the town.

Main line proceeds up the field in good order

Before getting carried away obsessing over holding the buildings in the area.

Dutch sitting enjoying an advocaat and watching the French spend their time attacking said buildings.

Ruud not to, really. Meanwhile, forces still holding the town.

On the other flank, the line turns to prepare for French cavalry WHO HAVE ACTUALLY DONE SOMETHING FOR ONCE.

Centre of the field

Yes, well, that cannon wasn't going to miss that, was it.

French light cavalry brigade arrives and begins galloping up the centre of the table.

The French begin putting serious numbers into the town, ready for the assault. Some are still messing about with getting into the buildings.

Cavalry start playing games with the Dutch line infantry and galloping back and forward, looking for a weak point in the battle line.

Forlorn hope starts proceeding into the village.

Dutch line opens up as the columns go in.

The British arrive, in good time.

Proper bayonet action!

That cannon is going to cause more than a few problems.........

Nice shot of the centre.

British lights start charging through the streets.

Should be enough French there to hold though, but will the attack on the town stall?

Meanwhile, French cavalry on the other side spot their chance and begin hitting the central lines. There was a lot of Follow Me orders being given!

British line rounds into the town for support.

Solid British line has formed on the other side of the village, breaking the morale of the French grenadiers facing them. This cause a ripple of panic in the French centre to much bemusement from the CIC. 

Not Over Yet, Msr!

Cavalry countercharge - pisses off the French heavies, another example of French cav MANAGING TO DO SOMETHING.

Now that the cavalry has caused problems further down the line and messed up the British flank, the French centre makes a push to advance and envelop the village.

Ladies from hell.

French storming the village now.

Although the British have cleared their right flank and hold it securely.

Reserve coming in.

Thanks for turning up, boys. This is a more traditional sight for French Cav. Sitting at the back of the table failing to earn their keep.

Last few columns go in for the assault

.................and we called it a French narrow win. 

Highly enjoyable, and yes, a lot more manageable a size of game. Estimate 10-11 line units per side, 4-5 cavalry?