Wednesday, 20 March 2024

East Gate of Karak Eight Peaks


(pic from the ever amazing Tulikoura on DeviantArt, who if you don't know, you really should!)

Dwarf Lord Belegar has tried to reclaim Karak Eight Peaks from the Greenskins, both to restore this lost realm and to use this citadel as a base to launch operations in the surrounding area. 

So far, he has been partially successful, but has reached an impasse, only being able to retake the main hold and not consolidate the wider area, still strongly held by the enemy.

To mitigate this, he has sent for aid from his kinsman Lord Duregar, who has answered by immediately gathering a force and marching South. This relief army has been confronted by, and defeated, a larger Orc force that attempted to intercept them, with the result that their approach is well known to the greenskin commanders.

The East Gate lays several miles within Death Pass, through a broad steep valley, studded with Dwarven architecture. As the Dwarves march towards the gate, they see that Orcs have fortified the ruined buildings before the gates, and have emerged from all sides of the valley in a coordinated attack, trapping the Dwarves.......

The battle will take part in the Eastern section of the above map, before the main East Gate.

Rules: Warlords of Erehwon

Dwarf Army: 1600 points, divided into two parts. The main Dwarf relief led by Duregar (1000 points) and Belegars Eight Peaks Force (600 points)

Orc Army: 2000 points, divided into two main armies of 1000 points. These armies should then be split into two roughly equal parts prior to the game, to represent the waves of attackers coming into the valley. Each 1000 point Orc force should be led by an independent leader. There is no requirement for leaders to be in the smaller divisons.

Deployment (Dwarf): 

Duregars main army is advancing westwards towards the gate. Belegars force will advance from the West, but the timing of their arrival is unknown.

Duregars army will deploy between 12" and 36" from the Eastern side of the table. They may not be deployed close than 9" to the North or South table edges

Belegars force will arrive as they sally out. However, their timing will be unknown and should be rolled for according to the below:

Start of Turn 2 - On a 6
Start of Turn 3 - On a 5+
Start of Turn 4 - On a 4+
Start of Turn 5 - Automatically.

It may be that Belegar arrives too late to help!

Their arrival should be rolled for as below:

Roll of 1 to 4 - from the gateway to the West
Roll of 5 - from the mines to the North
Roll of 6 - from the tombs in the South

Deployment (Orc):  

The army is divided into four parts. 

An initial force positioned at the East gate to block the Dwarves progress. 

The second force has been shadowing and harrying the Dwarfs as they progress through the valley and arrive onto the table during the first turn. They may be placed up to 9" onto the table when they arrive (as their dice is drawn). They can be given a fire order as usual or shoot, but cannot move. They will fight normally, if attacked in combat.

The third contingent has been lurking in the Northern slopes of the valley, and only moves once the Dwarves are in position. However, being Orcs, there is no guarantee they will coordinate properly or even know what the correct Dwarf position is.

Start of Turn 1 - On a 6
Start of Turn 2 - On a 4+
Start of Turn 3 - On a 2+
Start of Turn 4 - They've gotten bored and found something else to do, so don't turn up.

If Belegar arrives from the Northern mines, he has caught the Orcs unaware and massacred them, so they do not appear at all.

When arriving, the third contingent will deploy 9" onto the table from the Northern edge and can activate as normal. They may not deploy within 4" of a Dwarf unit.

The fourth force have hidden amongst the southern slopes and attempt an attack at the same time as the Northern Orcs.

Start of Turn 1 - On a 6
Start of Turn 2 - On a 4+
Start of Turn 3 - On a 2+
Start of Turn 4 - On a 4+
Start of Turn 5 - On a 6
Start of Turn 6 - Never!

If Belegar arrives from the South, he will destroy this force automatically before arriving on the table.

When arriving, the fourth contingent will deploy 9" onto the table from the Southern edge and can activate as normal. They may not deploy within 4" of a Dwarf unit.

NOTE: Both Orc forces cannot arrive from the North and South at the same time! Roll separately for each in sequence.

Victory Conditions: Fight to the death or until the end of turn 7, where night will fall and the survivors escape under cover of darkness.

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