Monday, 24 July 2023

WOTR 1455-1461 - Towton Battle Report

 Towton aka The Big One. Grudge match, score settler, so on and so forth.

Scenario is here: LINK

Initial Deployments

Essentially, Lancaster clustered around the hill in the centre with Households, with supporting units on one flank and massed Foot Knights in one steel fist on the other. York lined up opposite in a long deployment with more

Lancaster massed Men at Arms begin a rapid advance

Very rapid!

Meanwhile, a more cautious York prepares to receive that, whilst advancing with the rest of the line to meet in the centre. Wind no good here!

Said metal suicide bomb (as that was Lancasters plan - smash into one side, cause havoc, cause a panic and then anything redeploying from the centre will be weakening that side of Yorks lines) starts going off.

Lancastrians came on very aggressively. Possibly more so than York had anticipated, due to a couple of turns perfect dice rolling........

Arrowstorm begins across the line.

Ambush cavalry arrive in the woods. To their credit, York swiftly reorders their pike into a position and charges these with no real trouble or fuss.

Yorks left flank being driven back

Sharing arrows with one another in the centre.

Now that things have been softened up, the centres begin to advance on each other.

Lancaster gets the charge in and one long long round of killing each other ensues.

Lancastrians begin to commit their reserves. Yorkists wonder where on earth theirs have got to and when they'll arrive. (Yorks reserves were set to arrive on a set timer, with only the GM knowing how long that timer was. When it sounded, the reserves came on)

In the end, Yorks reserves turned up just a bit too late, as it was a huge ruck in the middle.

Not much surviving that. Big Lancastrian win.

Put two aggressive players on one side, have the dice gods gift them nigh perfect command rolls for three turns in a row, then see what happens..........a massacre.

There endeth this part of the Wars of the Roses.


Monday, 10 July 2023

10mm English Civil War

In a moment of weakness about two years ago, I bought a load of 10mm ECW (Lancer miniatures, I think). Combination of ECW love, cheap cost, flirty looks thrown at a friends project and weakness for pike.

I then got them, prepped them, undercoated them, and left them rotting on shelf gaining dust.

Bit of talk about Warmaster, and I didn't fancy putting more money into my Orcs on a whim game, then thought "ah, I know what I can use!" and here we are:

These are put together for Warmaster in the pics, but theres some flex for other systems as well, due to my having more command stands in a packet.