Intentionally steered away from a CHAOS look for these and went for more woodsy, natural, sort of feel - other than the Bestigors, in their armour - with the concept that these are woodland bound, nature worshipping types, following The Old Ways.
All rather enjoyable really and yet another long term want that I've been able to tick off the list.
Characters - more on those later
The army standard.
On to the characters. My two main ones for this were something I'd wanted to try for a while.
Firstly, The Beast That Walks. Made from all sorts of odds and ends, combined into a gangly awkward look, but dangerous animal. Its been a long time since I sawed up some metal models, but needs must and inspiration demands!
The Shaman - straight up GW model with no conversion. Painted fairly simply, but then draped in vines, ivy and foliage to give a naturalistic, earthbound, look to the model. Very happy with this one.