No more big grand historical periods. Thats a rule. I've basically got all of my periods of interest bought (except Vikings, but I had a couple of boxes of them sat untouched for about 5 years before I binned them, so thats not happening again) and I don't intend to add any new periods. Of course, that doesn't stop my adding things to my current ones, but many are essentially all bought and done.
Games are rarer now. Fact of life - you get older, it becomes more the fewer games means the better they have to be. Thats just how it is. The hobby is a creative outlet for me in a number of ways, so I need to focus around those elements I can manage to achieve in between my responsibilities.
1. My terrain project for the year will be a graveyard. I'm a bit of a slag for a graveyard atmos, so I wanna build a big one of these. I do actually have a dark grey board from yonks ago when I played more city based games, as I double side my boards for maximum storage effectiveness. This'll be fairly simple really and I'll probably Dadhammer it.
Of course, this gives me an excuse (AS IF ONE WERE NEEDED) to rewatch all my favourite Jean Rollin films, as nobody does a cemetery like ol' JR
Of course, the green wild is the graveyard of who knows?
Of course, this needs consideration and A Plan
2. This is twenty years old this year
We'll have to do something with that :) I'm much more of a fantasy chap than a 40K one, so I want to have a game based around Mord20. Except I like fantasy with a bit of shit on its shoes.
3. Children of Pan.............a beastman/folky/horror project, possibly for Mord20. I'm not sure about Age of Sigmar as I tried it when it came out and didn't think it was very good, but I do like the whole "Dark Age of Sigmar" /AOS28 business generally:.
Being a horror tart anyway, this is kind of a thing I've had cooking away for a number of years in my head, except that was based more around the English Civil War and all the good stuff can be done with that as a haunted strange setting.
Satans Claw, you know? Just like Satans old title was "Folkgore" for this project, but we'll see what comes out.
4. Keep working on my historical stuff, as I fancy. Generally its going to be about smaller, more characterful projects as the focus in '19, but I'll obviously keep working away on the big brigades.
Who knows, I may even finish a Napoleonic brigade at some point??
5. New painting style. Bit freer and looser. The Nurgle warband I've painted was the first step in this, shaking up some dust and breaking habits. Quick, but effective and characterful painting. Impressionistic attitude, almost. I've learnt some lessons* straight off from the Nurgle gear, so thats doable. I'm not fussed by the "what if it doesn't work??" concern :)
*not least that I really don't like painting bloody Space Marines!! Its no wonder I never used to paint sod all back in the day.
6. Get my ephemera in order. I like trinkets and beautiful objects, high end books, that kind of stuff, but I've rarely applied it to my gaming. Maybe because transport was always a concern back in the day? Highly HIGHLY inspired by Ana over at Gardens of Hecate's rather beautiful dice box, so lets see where that takes me.
7. Get rid of some of the crap and clutter that builds up. Theres a number of dead projects that I'm just not going to do anything with, frankly. They can probably all go to the great leadpile in the sky (or tip, to be more exact) or freecycled and therefore free up space for whats coming.
Oh is that why I've been seeing Mordheim popping up all over the place!?! 20th anniversary. I've not really been perusing social media to any great extent recently, so I missed the memo.
ReplyDeleteAnd I totally understand the difficulty in getting games in. I think I've had 2 in the last 6 months... Maybe... Wish I could have made them more memorable, but they were rather slipshod affairs organised at the last minute too.
Love the Children of Pan idea, I'm a sucker for Folk-Horror and I think Ana really does showcase that in her projects beautifully.
I'm not much of a social media person too - this blog is about the extent of facebook, twitter, instagram or whatever......I'm a total luddite really haha.
DeleteMordheim is def building up a head of steam for projects around the place next year. I'm def going to try and do something as we had quite a good group of Mordheim players (and an insanely talented terrain maker ) until I dropped out due to impending fatherhood. Not entirely decided on that one yet, but it'll come.
Folk horror is great - I've always had a thing for this side of things, being a collector since childhood of folklore, superstitions, classic horror writers and all manner of bizarre stuff.
Theres a game this weekend actually, the ACW we've all been working on. Watch this space for a battle report to come!