Saturday 17 September 2022

ZULU! - Project Complete

 Zulu, the one we all want to do but can't face painting masses of. Well, tartan based armies maybe more so, but Zulu next as you need a fair amount of them!

So, a few years back (7, I think) a fellow gaming yeoman had some money burning a hole in his pocket, and purchased the Warlord Rorkes Drift Set, intention being to paint it all up and play The Drift. Which we did - I bought some Zulu and weighed in with those.

This would be the first six units............

All very enjoyable, but couldn't help feeling that we needed MORE ZULU as it looked a bit light. We had another Zulu based game of Black Powder and one of Men Who Would Be Kings, then it fizzled out and they never really got used again.

However, these projects never really die out completely for me and I couldn't help feeling a bit sorry for painted those 120 and never doing much with them again. So I bought another army box a year or two later.

This would be the next six units...........

This pattern continued for some time, get a spat of interest in 1879, think "right, get some Zulu done" and make an effort to paint some. Some point, I bought a load of sprues to make into skirmishers.

This would be the next couple of units.........

Then Perry released their plastic box, so I bought one of those on the way home of an evening.

The next two units........

Until eventually, lots of my other projects are done and I've a mass of half done, half undercoated, Zulu mournfully sitting in the box. So put a push on to actually get these finished and based, which I had to match to my original ones from 2015 and when I only had a desert table and based accordingly.

Finally, all done. FINALLY. I have no actual idea of how many individual Zulu models I've got, but its 12 units and a mass of skirmishers. Between 280 and 300, I think. I mean, they aren't especially difficult to paint, its just the production line element, which plays to my strengths, but isn't hugely engaging when you know you have so many to do.

Of course, I've still got the British to get on with as well, plus NNC, but the valiant warriors defending their homeland from the aggressive invaders are complete!


  1. Awesome work mate! Reminded me of the Shaka Zulu TV series I watched as a kid. :)

  2. Fantatsic! An impressive force, love the sparse grass basing too.

    1. Thanks. The sparse grasses are a compromise to make them not pure desert basing and my being cheap when not putting too many on :)

  3. Very impressive….

    No project is ever complete/finished…it’s just paused 😁

    1. NO MORE ZULU. Although I do have NNC to do, which is the same apart from the headbands.........

  4. A splendid looking army , bet when they fight you’ll wish you had a few more !
