Wednesday, 22 November 2023

Peninsular 1808 - Vimeiro


Date: Weds 29th November 2023

Table Size: 8x6

Context: August 1808. The question after Rolica was "where were you, Loison?" The British had been in a rush to take the victory before he arrived, but although he had heard the guns, he decided not march and meet them. Instead he marched away South to meet with Junot. 

Shortly thereafter, the other French divisons that had withdrawn from Rolica joined with the main French force. As a result of this intelligence, Junot gave orders for more French reinforcements to be brought up, in anticipation of the coming battle.

The British, as they advance on Lisbon, are suffering from a lack of intelligence coming into camp, leaving them sorely unaware of enemy positions. Wellesley knows it is only a matter of time before the French attack. However, he does receive news that more troops have disembarked and gives orders for them to advance, whilst the existing British forces move to cover their manoeuvres.

Junot, for some reason, thinks that it is supplies being brought up, rather than British troops and gives the order to march out and give battle. This, in spite of the terrain favouring the British infantry.

A complication arrives for Wellesley, in the form of superior officers arriving and refusing to countenance the plans that have been laid out........

Battlefield Map:

Objectives - British: You are to hold the line and repulse the French attack. Doing so will allow you to properly establish a line of march on Lisbon and begin the liberation of Portugal.

Order of Battle - British: 

CIC - Wellesley

Brigade 1 (Ferguson) 3 Line Infantry. 1 Royal Artillery howitzer.

Brigade 2 (Nightingall) 2 Highlanders.

Brigade 3 (Craufurd) 2 Light Infantry, 1 Cacadores, 1 95th Rifles

Brigade 4 (Trant) 2 Portuguese Line Infantry, 1 Cacadores

Brigade 5 (Hill) - 3 Line Infantry

Brigade 6 (Fane) - 2 Line Infantry, 1 95th Rifles, 1 Royal Artillery cannon

Brigade 7 (Anstruther) - 3 Line Infantry, 1 Royal Artillery cannon

Brigade 8 (Taylor) - 2 Light Dragoons

Objectives - French: Supremely are the French Grande Armee! will advance on this minor army from a minor nation and drive them back into the sea. 

Taking the Vimeiro road will allow you command of this area and prevent any further movement by the British in this region and onto Lisbon.

Order of Battle - French: 

CIC - Junot

Brigade 1 (Thomieres) - 3 Line Infantry, 1 Foot cannon

Brigade 2 (Charlot) - 2 Line Infantry

Brigade 3 (Foy) - 3 Cannon

Brigade 4 (Kellerman) - 4 Battalion Grenadiers

Brigade 5 (Margaron divison) - 2 Regiments Chasseurs a Cheval

Brigade 6 (Margaron divison) - 2 Regiments Dragoons

Brigade 7 (Solignac) - 3 Line Infantry, 1 Foot howitzer

Brigade 8 (St Clair) - 2 Line Infantry

Brigade 9 (Brennier) - 3 Line Infantry

British deploy along the Western table edge and to the South of Vimeiro (they may deploy in the town). 
British brigades 4, 5 and 8 are held in reserve off table. They become available from turn 4. Brigade 4 (Portuguese) must arrive from a point on the Eastern edge. Brigades 4 and 8 arrive from the South West.
French deploy on the Southern and Western sides of the table (L shaped deployment zone)
Brigades 4, 5 and 8 are held in reserve off table. They become available from turn 2. They must arrive from a point on the Southern table edge.

Peninsular 1808 - Rolica - Battle Report

 So! The opening of the Peninsular War, relatively small scale fight, nicely set for a warm up. Rolica here we go.......

Scenario is here:

Initial deployment sees the French take a deep defensive line, way out in front of the hills, whilst the British begin moving up in column formations

Just look at that depth of defence from the French. Bold move, Jacques. British commanders body language states "uncertain"

French cavalry sitting back, waiting for a gap in the line

British advance begins, although that terrain is hampering clean lines from being formed.

Wellington attempting to get the central brigade encouraged up the field

Cannon unlimbers to begin softening those French chappies up, if they sit in column.

Nicely lovely lines formed on the right British flank. Someones been shot though......

British centre advancing through the central terrain.

Rifles go in, as the lines begin exchanging fire along the entire French front.

Rifles promptly go out again, to their indignity.

British central brigade begins forming the central attack, whilst the right flank tries to sweep through.

French cavalry advances up in support of the line and to threaten any redcoats who get too brave.

The Light Division arrives, having ran up the table at top speed. Seriously! These fellows rolled consistent twos and threes for their brigade orders and overtook almost everyone, in spite of arriving a full three turns after everyone else! That cannon is going to cause some issues though...........

In the distance, French begin retreating back onto the hills in good order.

Some plucky Cacadores attempt to engage with the French as they pull back, but find themselves somewhat outclassed and in trouble.

Now up on the hills on both sides, French commanders watch the firefight take place. It seems as though the British are getting bogged down, but rather close......

Consequently, British cavalry attempts to force a path and goes headlong into the French cavalry, causing a gap to appear in the centre.

Eventually......numbers, lack of space to retreat and sustained casualties force the French to retreat from the field. Not in disgrace, but with the knowledge that they had held the British at bay very well, even if the final result was a defeat.

A very minor defeat mind!

Played out very well. Terrain was troublesome, the French were constantly pulling out of fights the British had lined up, the pressure of the clock was telling on the British and they only just made it, but make it to those hills, they did! Just not in enough of a condition to harry the retreat.

Rolica'ing good fun, you could say.

Friday, 27 October 2023

Peninsular 1808 - Rolica


Date: Weds 1st November 2023

Table Size: 8x6

Context: June 1808. The British government has received word of the Spanish uprising against the French, which they use as an excuse to send an expeditionary force to Portugal, thereby supporting their long standing allies. The mission was to expel the French Army, under the command of General Junot, from Portugal. 

This initial British force would be under the command of a young general who had made his reputation in India: Sir Arthur Wellesley.

The first British troops landed at Mondego Bay on 1 August 1808, and 4 days later had 13,000 troops ashore. This British was reinforced with 2,000 Portuguese troops, who were placed under the command of a British Officer. Once the organisation was complete, the Anglo Portuguese force begins its march on Lisbon.

The French commander in Portugal, General Junot, has received word of the British landing and sent General Delaborde to observe and, if the situation arises, attempt to contain the British force until Junot has concentrated his whole field army into a position ready to fight. 

Delaborde advances to Alcobaça, but could not find a suitable defensive position, so he withdraws to Roliça. 

The French army has been deployed on a low hill, where they await the larger British forces to attack.

Battlefield Map:

Objectives - British: You are to advance up the slopes and break through the French lines, taking control of the higher ground. Consideration should be given to the potential for a French reserve brigade arriving as relief.

Order of Battle - British: 

CIC - Arthur Wellesley

Hills Brigade -  3 x Line Infantry Battalions, 1 x Howitzer

Fanes Brigade - 2 x Line Infantry Battalions, 1 x 95th Rifles (tiny), 1 x Light Dragoons, 1 x Cannon

Nightingales Brigade - 2 x Line Infantry Battalions

Craufurds Brigade - 2 x Light Infantry Battalions, 1 x Cacadores Batalion, 1 x 95th Rifles (tiny)

Objectives - French: Although outnumbered, you are hold the commanding heights of the field for the duration of the battle and prevent the British advance. Word has been sent to Loison, but you do not know whether his division will arrive in time or not.

Order of Battle - French: 

CIC  - Henri Delaborde

Avrils Brigade - 3 x  Line Infantry Battalions, 1 Cannon

Brenniers Brigade -  3 x Line Infantry Battalions, 1 Cannon

26th Chasseurs a Cheval - 2 x Light Cavalry regiments

Loison - Brigade strength unknown

Deployments:  The French may deploy on the hill or in the surrounding rocky areas in the Southern part of the table. The British deploy on the Northern table edge. Craufurds brigade is held in reserve.
The British take the first turn.

Scenario Special Rules: 
The British may use attack column formation for this scenario.
Any units advancing up the heights, designated by the on table terrain, move at half speed and have -1 attack dice in close combat
When a British unit advances to the beginning of the heights, it rolls a D6. On a 4+ it makes one move directly forward at full speed as an impetuous move to begin advancing up the gullies.
The heights provide an excellent defensive position. Any French unit holding the hills gains +1 morale in addition to any other modifiers (.e.g, from attack column formation) and +1 to their combat resolution result.
All cavalry moving two moves or more during a single advance must roll for disorder, due to the uneven ground.

Monday, 24 July 2023

WOTR 1455-1461 - Towton Battle Report

 Towton aka The Big One. Grudge match, score settler, so on and so forth.

Scenario is here: LINK

Initial Deployments

Essentially, Lancaster clustered around the hill in the centre with Households, with supporting units on one flank and massed Foot Knights in one steel fist on the other. York lined up opposite in a long deployment with more

Lancaster massed Men at Arms begin a rapid advance

Very rapid!

Meanwhile, a more cautious York prepares to receive that, whilst advancing with the rest of the line to meet in the centre. Wind no good here!

Said metal suicide bomb (as that was Lancasters plan - smash into one side, cause havoc, cause a panic and then anything redeploying from the centre will be weakening that side of Yorks lines) starts going off.

Lancastrians came on very aggressively. Possibly more so than York had anticipated, due to a couple of turns perfect dice rolling........

Arrowstorm begins across the line.

Ambush cavalry arrive in the woods. To their credit, York swiftly reorders their pike into a position and charges these with no real trouble or fuss.

Yorks left flank being driven back

Sharing arrows with one another in the centre.

Now that things have been softened up, the centres begin to advance on each other.

Lancaster gets the charge in and one long long round of killing each other ensues.

Lancastrians begin to commit their reserves. Yorkists wonder where on earth theirs have got to and when they'll arrive. (Yorks reserves were set to arrive on a set timer, with only the GM knowing how long that timer was. When it sounded, the reserves came on)

In the end, Yorks reserves turned up just a bit too late, as it was a huge ruck in the middle.

Not much surviving that. Big Lancastrian win.

Put two aggressive players on one side, have the dice gods gift them nigh perfect command rolls for three turns in a row, then see what happens..........a massacre.

There endeth this part of the Wars of the Roses.
